North Gwinnett Robotics




Team 1771 is an aspiring young group of students located at North Gwinnett High School. The team is primarily student-run and works hard to incorporate values of team management, organization, and compromise - all very important principles to help build strong and independent thinkers.


As a team, we focus on harnessing dedication, creativity, and cooperation to build the best product that we can. Through teamwork, we work to inspire our students to be the next generation of engineers, programmers, and managers.


In our program, we teach our members important skills that they can bring with them throughout their lives. Gaining the ability to do things like metalworking, woodworking, 3D design, programming, graphic design, team management, financial planning, and machining.

"The varsity sport for the mind, first robotics competition combines the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology." 

The team after winning the 2022 Georgia (Peachtree District) State Championship and Autonomous Award